Friday, May 15, 2015

Fire Safety

One of our preschool moms is a cool is that!  She came to our classroom to talk to all the preschool children about what to do in case of a fire.  She covered not playing with matches, lighters, or guns.  We talked about stop, drop, and roll and even got to practice.  She taught us about crawling out of a burning house/building so that we breath the cleanest air.  Then we did a drill.  We all got outside FAST and went strait to a meeting spot!  Firefighter Roxanne asked all the children to go home and do a homework assignment:

1.  Ask their parents where the family meeting spot is, in case of a fire.
2.  Practice a fire drill.  Roxanne suggested that children could pretend to be asleep in bed.  Mom or dad would then trigger an alarm, and all the kids need to get out of the house and to the meeting spot fast!  If the kids can do it in 60 seconds or less, they deserve a TREAT.  There was lots of talk about ice cream, but I'm sure any treat would work! 

Happy practicing and a big thank you to Roxanne for teaching all of us at Miss Amy's ABC Preschool about fire safety!